=============================================================================== Chat ID 2692881 at 2023-11-06 19:34:42 =============================================================================== [2023-11-06 19:34:42] [Live Support] Hello and Welcome to Limitless Casino. How can we be of your assistance today? [2023-11-06 19:34:42] [oqasem0001] I need a supervisor right now [2023-11-06 19:35:17] [Denise Carlton] Hello and Welcome to Limitless Casino! Please, give me a moment. [2023-11-06 19:35:58] [oqasem0001] I need to speak to someone in charge right now m [2023-11-06 19:36:11] [oqasem0001] An agent is violating my terms and conditions [2023-11-06 19:36:21] [Denise Carlton] May I know what is your concern? [2023-11-06 19:37:23] [oqasem0001] I made a deposit earlier of 10$ and instead of sending .13 LTC I accidentally sent .11 t [2023-11-06 19:38:08] [oqasem0001] I told an agent and she’s refusing to give me my crypto even though she acknowledged that it was received [2023-11-06 19:40:54] [Denise Carlton] Kindly provide the crypto wallet address where you sent your funds to? [2023-11-06 19:41:03] [oqasem0001] I told her that my touch screen is messed up and that It was clearly a mistake but she won’t give it to me she said it’s my responsibility to send more then 10$ and I forfeit the funds, and she wouldn’t let me speak to a manager [2023-11-06 19:41:21] [oqasem0001] https://chat.scriptfork.com/file/downloadfile/218094/36657bdde67c0dc1e883f03657f51bc1 [2023-11-06 19:42:37] [oqasem0001] She said that’s in the terms and conditions and I told her that it’s not true and she closed the chat in my face before I could go look at the terms and conditions which I have now [2023-11-06 19:43:31] [oqasem0001] https://chat.scriptfork.com/file/downloadfile/218095/577e7b8b6d2112c0ac050a9808949349 [2023-11-06 19:43:38] [Denise Carlton] One moment please. [2023-11-06 19:46:19] [oqasem0001] It says .01 LTC and this is the first time this has ever happened with me. I’ve literally spent thousands of dollars at this casino and the way she just treated us un freaking believable I’m literally shaking I’m so god damn pissed off [2023-11-06 19:46:31] [Denise Carlton] Thanks for holding. I'm really sorry however, we cannot add the bonus that is lower than $10 [2023-11-06 19:46:52] [oqasem0001] I don’t want a bonus [2023-11-06 19:47:14] [oqasem0001] I just want my damn deposit or send me back my crypto [2023-11-06 19:47:20] [Denise Carlton] Sorry I mean deposit. [2023-11-06 19:47:27] [oqasem0001] what the hell [2023-11-06 19:47:32] [oqasem0001] are u serious [2023-11-06 19:47:47] [Denise Carlton] In order for us to have the deposit added is to make a new deposit of $10 [2023-11-06 19:47:54] [oqasem0001] I want to speak to a manager cause this is absurd I sent .02 LTC [2023-11-06 19:48:07] [oqasem0001] Give me a manager please [2023-11-06 19:49:18] [Denise Carlton] Neither our supervisors can add the deposit that is below $10 [2023-11-06 19:49:32] [oqasem0001] I’ve spent way too much money here to be treated like this there’s no way they’d allow this [2023-11-06 19:49:37] [Denise Carlton] Please send an email to support regarding your concern. [2023-11-06 19:49:45] [oqasem0001] then why can’t I speak to them myself [2023-11-06 19:50:07] [Denise Carlton] Please send an email to support@limitlesscasino.com [2023-11-06 19:50:28] [oqasem0001] Okay I’m gonna go to lcb.org and open a dispute. So help me god I’m posting these transcripts and I’m gonna talk to a manager tonight